It is funny how our biggest strengths often are also our biggest weaknesses.My pride is my Achilles heal.
It is a strong,stubborn spirit that has got me thru many tough spots and also got me into many tough has hurt a lot of people that meant a lot to me but I never expressed my emotion or appreciation due to my pride.that would have required me knocking down some of my walls and and emotionally going out on a limb.
" NOOOOOO "shouts my pride.
The Amish lifestyle in general does not encourage open forms of emotional appreciation such as "love you"and "miss you"and other such verbal become used to it and accept it and personally,I don't feel its all that bad.but an occasional one wouldn't hurt.
" NOOOOOO"shouts my pride.
When it comes to pride I got it with both barrels.on my fathers side ,we come from Daviess County, Indiana with a strong sense of our Swiss forefathers determination and backbone.
On my mothers side its just as grandmother was pretty much a local legend for her grit and stubbornness.grandfather died of cancer and she raised the family up on her own thru sheer willpower.
Genetically speaking,I'm screwed.
My pride has kept me from holding little babies,hugging my family members and telling them I care,and overall kept me from being all that I can my own brothers funeral I went thru the entire thing without shedding a tear.sheer pride.
I never will be at peace until I harness my pride and pigheadedness and they become an asset,not a burden.
Machets gute
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